Release Notes for 11 November 2022
New changes to the GPS Cards API for the week ending 11 November 2022.
- New Update STIP Balance endpoint added
- Free text fields added to Create Card endpoint
- TransferFunds Transaction Type added
New Update STIP Balance endpoint added
Endpoint: /cards/{PublicToken}/balance/stip
A new endpoint has been created for customer's using EHI Mode 4 or 5 so that they can adjust a balance for a card.
You can update the balance by making a PUT request to the endpoint. For example:{PublicToken}/balance/stip
The body of the request can have the following fields included:
- AvailableSTIPBalanceGPS
- CurrentSTIPBalanceGPS
- CurrenceyCode
- BalanceSequenceIDExT
- UpdatedBy
- ProcessingDate
- ProcessingTime
- RequestDate
- RequestTime
- TxnCode
- IssCode
- ItemId
- ActionCode
The below is an example body for an Update STIP balance request:
"AvailableSTIPBalanceGPS": 150,
"CurrentSTIPBalanceGPS": 200,
"CurrenceyCode": "GBP",
"BalanceSequenceIDExT": 1234,
"UpdatedBy": "J Sims",
"TxnCode" : 16,
"IssCode" : "PMT",
"RequestDate": 2022-10-09,
"RequestTime": 11:32:32
If successful, a 200 response will be returned with details of the transaction. The below is an example response:
"BalanceSequenceID": 1235,
"BalanceSequenceIDExT" : 1234,
"CurrenceyCode": "GBP",
"TxnCode" : 16,
"ItemId" : 23290,
"IssCode" : "PMT"
"ActionCode" : 000,
"ProcessingDate": 2022-10-09,
"ProcessingTime" : 11:34:32
Documentation/API Explorer
- For more information on this endpoint, see Update STIP Balance
- To try the Update STIP Balance endpoint, navigate to Update Card STIP Balance in API Explorer
Free text fields added to Create Card endpoint
Endpoint: /cards
Two new fields (Freetext1 and Freetext2) have been added to the Create Card endpoint to enable users to send information to the card manufacturers. These fields are non-mandatory and have a maximum length of 50 characters.
The following example includes the new fields in a Create Card request.
"CardProduct": 10023,
"CustomerReference": "CustNo12345A",
"Freetext1": "Comments for the card manufacturer can go in this field",
"Freetext2": "And in this field too.",
"CardHolder": {
"Title": "Mr.",
"FirstName": "Bruce",
"LastName": "Wayne",
"DateOfBirth": "1982-02-19",
"Mobile": "07755123456",
"Email": ""
"Address": {
"AddressLine1": "1007",
"AddressLine2": "Mountain Drive",
"AddressLine3": "Worksop",
"City": "Gotham",
"County": "New Jersey",
"PostCode": "GC11 2LD",
"Country": "GBR"
"fulfillment": {
"AddressLine1": "1007",
"AddressLine2": "Mountain Drive",
"AddressLine3": "Worksop",
"city": "Gotham",
"country": "GBR",
"county": "Gothamshire",
"PostCode": "GC11 2LD"
"CardManufacturer": "AB Note",
"DeliveryMethod": 0,
"CarrierType": "Type 1",
"Quantity": 1,
"Language": "HU",
"ThermalLine1": "asdeoivh2neriuvnqkr",
"ThermalLine2" : "asjkfnkerjnkwe",
"EmbossLine4" : "jdwncwlkejr",
"VanityName" : "Name Mane",
"ImageId": "An image id",
"LogoFrontId" : "A logo ID",
"LogoBackId": "Another logo ID"
"nameOnCard": {
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Bruce",
"lastName": "Wayne"
Documentation/API Explorer
- For more information, see Create Card
- To try the Create a Card endpoint, navigate to Create a Card in API Explorer
TransferFunds Transaction Type added
Endpoint: /cards/{publicToken}/transactions
A TransferFunds option has been added to the Transactions endpoint, enabling users to transfer funds between cards in the GPS system, and to facilitate loading cards from an MVC.
The below is an example body for a transaction where the TransactionType has been set to TransferFunds.
"TransactionType": "TransferFunds",
"Amount": 10.00,
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"ToPublicToken": "987654321",
"User": "string",
"Description": "string"
If successful, A 200 response is returned with details on the transaction.
"Balance": {
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"ActualBalance": 10.00,
"BlockedAmount": 0.00,
"AvailableBalance": 10.00
"PublicToken": {publicToken}*,
"TransactionID": "string",
"Amount": 10.00,
"PublicToken": {toPublicToken}*,
"TransactionID": "string",
"Amount": 10.00,
Documentation/API Explorer
- For more information, see Transaction Types
- To try the Create a Card endpoint, navigate to Load or Unload Card in API Explorer