Release Notes for 28 October 2022

New changes to the GPS Cards API for the week ending 28 October 2022.

Update Card endpoint updated to support Master Virtual Cards

The Update Card endpoint has been updated to support the Master Virtual Card cardtype.



For more details on updating a card, see Updating a Card

Automatic Web Service Fees added to endpoints

The following endpoints have been updated in this release so that program managers can automatically charge customers on using the service. When the request is successful and the specific condition for the endpoint has been met, a new fee transaction for the card will be created.



Automatic web service fees should be completed on the Web Services Fees tab of the customer PSF. For more details, see the Fees Guide.

The below table details each of the available endpoints, the conditions required for a fee to be charged to the card, and the FeeType.

POST /cardsCardType is VirtualVirtualCardIssuingFee
POST /cardsCardType is PhysicalPhysicalCardIssuingFee
PUT /cards/{publicToken}/statusStatus is “Active” and Card is Parent CardParentCardActivationFee
PUT /cards/[publicToken}/statusStatus is “Active” and Card is Parent CardChildCardActivationFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/pinN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/pin/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/pin/unblockN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/cvvN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/cvv/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
PUT /cards/{publicToken}/cvv/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/renewN/ACardReplacementFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/replaceRenewStep is empty or RenewState is Renew or RenewStep is RenewWithSameExpiryCardReplacementFee
POST /cards/{public Token}/cardTypeCardType is PhysicalCardConversionFee



For more details on Web Service Fees, see Web Service Fees