This section provides an introduction to using the Thredd REST API collection in Postman.
- Download and install the Postman app. See Download Postman.
- Download the latest Thredd REST API Collection (available on the API Explorer page).
- Contact Thredd to request secure access and/or allow access from your static IP address.
Install the Thredd Postman Collection
- Open Postman.
- Click the Import button. A window will open.
- Navigate to the directory where the collection is saved and select the Thredd REST API file Thredd_Rest_API_External_postman_collection.json. The collection will display in Postman.
Use the Postman Collection
The Thredd REST API collection appears in the left-hand column of your Postman workspace.
Generate the OAuth Token
Generation of the OAuth token is done at the top level of the collection so you only need to authorise a token once.
- Select the Thredd REST API External Postman collection.
- Click Get New Access Token button in the Authorization tab.
- Click Proceed, then click Use Token.
The token will be applied to every endpoint in the collection.
Create a Card
- Select the CreateCard API endpoint.
- Select the Body tab and enter the details of the card, replacing the example values with your required details.
- Click Send.
Thredd returns a 200 Ok response, containing the public token, as shown in the example below.
"publicToken": "102759761"
The public token provides a unique identifier for your card. You can use this public token in all subsequent requests related to the card.
Apply publicToken as a Variable
Almost all endpoints are set up to use the publicToken set in the Variables tab of the collection. To set the publicToken variable:
1: Select the Variables tab in the Thredd REST API External Postman collection.
2: Enter the publicToken you want to use in the Initial Value and Current Value columns.
3: Click Save.
The collection is saved. All endpoints will use the variable and run using the set publicToken.
Retrieve the Details of a Card
- Select the Retrieve a Card API endpoint.
- If required, generate a new access token.
- Click Send.
Thredd returns a 200 Ok response, containing details of the card linked to the public token, as shown in the example below.
"cardType": "Physical",
"publicToken": "105284447",
"status": "Inactive",
"balance": {
"currencyCode": "GBP",
"cardBalance": 0,
"pendingAmount": 0,
"availableBalance": 0
"cardDetails": {
"customerReference": "CustNo12345A",
"fullNameOnCard": "Mr. John Bloggs",
"maskedPan": "999999******3631",
"pan": "9999999985643631",
"startDate": "2022-06-06",
"expiryDate": "2023-06-30"
"cardHolder": {
"title": "Mr.",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Bloggs",
"dateOfBirth": "1982-02-19",
"mobile": "07755123456",
"email": ""
"cardProduct": {
"scheme": "SCHEME TEST",
"product": 10023
"controlGroups": {
"limitsGroup": 1051,
"usageGroup": 374,
"recurringFeeGroup": 0,
"webServiceFeeGroup": 0,
"authFeeGroup": 0,
"mccGroup": 0,
"cardLinkageGroup": 0,
"calendarGroup": 0,
"fxGroup": 0,
"paymentTokenUsageGroup": 0
"3DS": [],
"designId": "PMTREST"