Card Renewal, Card Replacement & Lost Cards
This section provides information on how you can manage card renewal, replacement and lost cards for your customers using the Thredd Platform.
Thredd provides an API to enable you to renew or replace a card. This API combines the functionality of card replacement and card renewal. The replacement card will have the same balance that the original card had at the time when the replacement card is activated. Any linked cards will still point to the correct card.
If you want to transfer the card balance immediately to the new card and to update any linked wallet/card payment tokens at the same time, then select a suitable renew option.
Replacing Lost, Stolen or Damaged Cards
In the event your client loses a card or reports it as stolen, we recommend the following steps:
Step 1: Identify the lost card's public token
Identify the corresponding public token for the card that is lost. This is returned in the response to creating a card.
Step 2: Update Card Status
When you have the public token, you must update the Card's status to 41
(the status for Lost Card) so it can no longer be used to transact on. See Card Status Change for more details on card statuses.
Step 3: Issue replacement Card
The Replace Card endpoint allows you to replace a card and also allow you to choose what is transferred to the new card. You can replace a card by making a POST request to the Replace Card endpoint. For example:
The body can include fields that transfer details from the old card to the replacement card. The following options are available:
- moveBalance sets whether the balance should be transferred
- moveLimitAccumulators sets whether the card limits should be transferred
- moveChildCards sets whether any child cards should be transferred
- moveExpiryDate sets whether the current expiry date should be transferred
- expiryDate sets an expiry date on the card. This can only be used instead of the moveExpiryDate option.
- freetext1 enables you to add information to the card manufacturer
- freetext2 enables you to add further information to the card manufacturer
"moveBalance": true,
"moveLimitAccumulators": true,
"moveChildCards": false,
"moveExpiryDate": true
If successful, a 200 response will be returned with details on the replaced card.
"publicToken": "103169963",
"customerReference": "my ref 12345",
"embossName": "Mr Jon Smith",
"maskedPan": "999999******5974",
"startDate": "2023-05-05",
"expiryDate": "2023-04-30"
API Explorer
See the Replace Card endpoint for more information.
Step 4: Activate replacement card
When a user has received their replacement card, it must be activated using the card status endpoint; see Card Status Change.
Card Activation upon replacement
For virtual cards, this activate step must happen simultaneously as virtual cards are issued instantly. For physical cards, these must be user-activated when they are received.
A successful request will respond with an HTTP 201 code and the public token of the new card will be returned.
Renewing a virtual card
In the event you want to renew a card for a customer outside of the autorenewal cycle, you can issue a renewed virtual card to your customers via an API call.
Step 1: Identify the card's public token
Identify the public token of the card you want to renew. This is returned in the response to creating a card.
Step 2: Renew Virtual card
If your card is a virtual card, you can renew it by executing a card renewal request.
A 204 HTTP response indicates a successful virtual card renewal with no data returned.
API Explorer
See the Renew Card endpoint for more information.
Renewing a physical card
In the event you want to renew a card for a customer outside of the autorenewal cycle, you can issue a renewed physical card to your customers via an API call.
Step 1: Identify the card's public token
Identify the public token of the card you want to renew. This is returned in the response to creating a card.
Step 2: Renew Physical Card
If your card is a physical card, the process to renew it involves two steps. The first step orders a new card to be created by your card manufacturer. This is done by executing a renew API call to the card renewal API. This is done by passing renew
in the payload.
"renewStep": "renew"
This will issue an inactive replacement card to your customer whilst allowing them to continue to transact using their existing card until the renewed card arrives.
Step 3: Migrate Physical Card
When your customer receives the card, in order to transition to the new card you will need to execute a card migration call to the Renew Card endpoint.
"renewStep": "migrate"
A 204 HTTP response indicates a successful virtual card renewal and the card's new public token is returned.
Renewal Card Status
In the card renewal process, no new card is created; the existing card record's expiry is simply updated. Therefore, there is no need to "activate" a new card or execute a balance transfer as part of the renewal process.
API Explorer
See the Renew Card endpoint for more information.
Renew with Same Expiry
The renewWithSameExpiry option enables you to to replace a card (for example, if it has been damaged) with the same details it had before.
The below is an example body for a renew card where renewWithSameExpiry is used.
"renewStep": "RenewWithSameExpiry"
A 204 response will be returned if the call is successful. You can check the details on the renewed card by using the Retrieve a Card endpoint.
Updated 11 months ago