PIN Management

This section provides instructions on how to manage your cardholder's Personal Identification Number (PIN). A card's PIN is a short numerical code used to authorise Point of Sale (POS) transactions between a merchant and cardholder. This provides an additional layer of security for POS transactions.

A card's PIN is always set to a randomly allocated value as part of the Create Card API call. To find out more about creating cards, see Creating a Card.

After card creation, the Thredd Cards API enables you to:

  • Set a card's PIN to a user-defined value
  • Retrieve a card's PIN to display to the user
  • Unblock a card's PIN when the maximum number of attempts has been exceeded

Setting a card's PIN

Step 1: Identify the card's public token

Before setting a card's PIN, identify the corresponding public token relating to the card. This is returned in the response to creating a card within the publicToken object.

Step 2: Set the card's PIN

After identifying the card's public token, execute a POST call to the cards Set Card PIN endpoint with an updated PIN in the request body. For example:


The example body below sets the card PIN to 0000.

  "pin": 0000

A successful response will return a 204 http code - success with no response.


API Explorer

See the Set card PIN endpoint for more information.

Retrieving a card's PIN

Step 1: Identify the card's public token

Before retrieving a card's PIN, identify the corresponding public token relating to the card. This is returned in the response to creating a card within the publicToken object.

Step 2: Retrieving the card's PIN

After identifying the card's public token, execute a GET call to the Get PIN endpoint. For example:


This request requires no body and a successful response will return a 200 http code and the card's PIN.

    "pin": "7010"


API Explorer

See the Get PIN endpoint for more information.

Retrieving a PIN Status

Step 1: Identify the card's public token

Before retrieving a card's PIN status, identify the corresponding public token relating to the card. This is returned in the response to creating a card within the publicToken object.

Step 2: Retrieving the card's PIN

After identifying the card's public token, execute a GET call to the Get PIN Status endpoint. For example:


This request requires no body and a successful response will return a 200 http code and the status of the card's PIN.

    "status": "Unblocked",
    "remainingTries": "3"


See the Get PIN Status endpoint for more information.

Unblocking a card's PIN

Step 1: Identify the card's public token

Before unblocking a card's PIN, identify the corresponding public token relating to the card. This is returned in the response to creating a card within the publicToken object.



You can reset a card's PIN attempt counter at any time; it doesn't need to reach zero. Executing a successful unblock PIN request resets the PIN attempt counter back to its maximum value.

Step 2: Unblock the card's PIN

After identifying the card's public token, execute a POST call to the Unblock PIN endpoint. For example:




This endpoint requires content_type =application/json to be included in the header. If this is not included in the request then a 415 error response is returned.

The request body can include information on the details of why the card is being unblocked and who has unblocked the PIN. For example:

  "description": "Unblocking blocked PIN",
  "updatedBy": "John Smith"

A successful response will return a 204 http code - success with no response.


API Explorer

See the Unblock PIN endpoint for more information.