Update Card - Field Descriptions

The following page details each of the fields that can be used in the request, and received in the response when using the Update Card endpoint.

Request Fields

The following table describes fields that can be included in the body of the request when updating a card.

FieldDescriptionMinimum LengthMaximum LengthTypeMandatory
customerReferenceAn external customer reference provided in the request.025StringNo
designIdThe name of the card visual design.150StringNo
parentCardWhere the card is a secondary card, the public token of the primary card.910StringNo
freeText1A free text field to communicate details to the card manufacturer.150StringNo
freeText2A free text field to communicate details to the card manufacturer.150StringNo
updatedByUser who updated the card details.0100StringNo
cardHolderThe fields for the cardholder object are used to capture information on the cardholder.
titleTitle of the cardholder.05StringYes
firstNameFirst name of the cardholder.
Note: Any unpermitted characters are removed using string cleaning when submitting this field.
middleNameMiddle name of cardholder.
Note: Any unpermitted characters are removed using string cleaning when submitting this field.
lastNameLast name of the cardholder.
Note: Any unpermitted characters are removed using string cleaning when submitting this field.
dateOfBirthDate of Birth of the cardholder. Format YYYY-MM-DD.1010StringYes
mobileMobile number of cardholder.016StringNo
emailEmail address of the cardholder.0100StringNo
addressThe fields for the address object are used to capture the cardholder's address.
addressLine1First line of the address.0100StringYes
addressLine2Second line of the address.0100StringNo
addressLine3Third line of the address.0100StringNo
cityCity name.0100StringNo
countyCounty, region or province.0100StringNo
postCodePostcode / Zip code of the address.016StringYes
countryCountry of residence. This is represented as a 3-letter alphanumeric ISO country code (e.g. GBR for UK). See the IBAN list of country codes for a full list.33StringYes
fulfilmentThe fields for the fulfilment object are used to capture the cardholder's fulfilment address.
addressLine1First line of the address.0100StringYes
addressLine2Second line of the address.0100StringNo
addressLine3Third line of the address.0100StringNo
cityCity name.0100StringNo
countyCounty, region or province.0100StringNo
postCodePostcode / Zip code of the address.016StringYes
countryCountry of residence. This is represented as a 3-letter alphanumeric ISO country code (e.g. GBR for UK). See the IBAN list of country codes for a full list.33StringYes
nameOnCardThe fields for the nameOnCard object are used to capture the name embossed on card. Maximum combined length of 26 characters (including spaces).
titleThe title that appears on the card.05StringNo
firstNameThe first name that appears on the card.0100StringNo
lastNameThe last name that appears on the card.0100StringNo
virtualCardImageDetailsThe fields for the virtualCardImageDetails object are used to capture the Image details required for a virtual card.
virtualCardImageIdThe image ID for the virtual card.016StringYes (Where the cardType is Virtual or MasterVirtual)
imageSizeThe image size of the virtual card as a multiple of 100%. For example, 1 is 100%, 2 is 200% etc.15StringYes (Where the cardType is Virtual or MasterVirtual)
manufacturingDetailsThe fields for the manufacturingDetails object are used to capture the manufacturing details required for a physical card.
cardManufacturerThe name of the card manufacturer.110Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
deliveryMethodThe delivery method for the physical card.1521Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
carrierTypeCarrier Product Design reference as used by the card printer.130Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
quantityThe number of cards being manufactured.0100No
languageThe language used on the card.02No
thermalLine1Free text field which can be used for transferring extra information to be printed on the card.0120No
thermalLine2Free text field which can be used for transferring extra information to be printed on the card.0120No
embossLine4Embossed card line 4. Actual maximum length will depend on the card design.027No
vanityNameAdditional title to the card holder name (for example "Company Director").032No
imageDetailsThe fields for the imageDetails object are used to capture the image details for a physical card.No
imageIdThe ID for the physical card image.120Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
logoFrontIdThe logo ID for the front of the physical card.130Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
logoBackIdThe logo ID for the back of the physical card.130Yes (Where the cardType is Physical)
config3dSecureThe fields for the config3dSecure obejct are used to display values related to 3DS configuration for the card.
language3dsThe language to apply to the 3DS challenge screens displayed to the cardholder. (In BCP-47 format. For example: en-EN,fr-FR.)

Note: The language content must first be set up for your card products; once this is done, your 3DS Implementation Manager will share with you the language codes to use.

Note: Default language is English. If card level value is not provided, then the product level setting will be used.
apataConfigThe fields for the apataConfig object are used to display values related to the Apata 3DS configuration for the card.
cardProgramIdSets the card program identifier.0255No
challengeProfileIdSets the challenge profile identifier.0255No
kbaNumberOfQuestionsToAnswerSets the KBA number of questions to answer.No
kbaNumberOfIncorrectPermissibleSets the KBA number of incorrect permissibleNo