Replace Card - Field Descriptions

The following page details each of the fields received in the response when using the Replace Card endpoint.

Request Fields

The following table describes fields that can be included in the body of the request when converting a card.

FieldDescriptionMinimum LengthMaximum LengthTypeMandatory
moveBalanceIf true then the balance will move to the new card.45BooleanNo
moveLimitAccumulatorsIf true then the limit accumulators will move to the new card.45BooleanNo
moveChildCardsIf true then the child cards associated with the card will move to the new card.45BooleanNo
moveExpiryDateIf true, then move the same expiry date to the new card.45BooleanNo
expiryDateIf provided, card is set to the new Expiry Date. Otherwise default from program is used.
Should not be set when MoveExpiryDate is true. Format YYYY-MM.
freetext1Additional fulfilment data used for transferring extra information to the card manufacturer.050StringNo
freetext2Additional fulfilment data used for transferring extra information to the card manufacturer.050StringNo

Response Fields

The following table describes fields that included in the response after successfully replacing a card.

publicTokenThe public token for the replaced card.
customerReferenceThe external customer reference for the card.
embossNameThe name embossed on the card.
maskedPanThe masked PAN for the card created.
startDateThe start date of the card in yyyy-MM-dd format.
expiryDateThe expiry date of the card in yyyy-MM-dd format.