Retrieve a Card

The Retrieve Card endpoint enables you to return details for a card based on the Public Token in the URL. A successful response includes details of the card status, the current balance, and the control groups the card is associated with.

You can retrieve card details by making a GET request to the Retrieve Card endpoint. For example:


A successful response returns a HTTP 200 response code. Below is an example response:

    "cardType": "Physical",
    "publicToken": "638050230",
  	"status": "Active",
    "cardStatusCode": "00",
    "cardStatusDescription": "00 (Active)",
    "balance": {
        "currencyCode": "GBP",
        "cardBalance": 300.67,
        "pendingAmount": -74,
        "availableBalance": 226.67
    "cardDetails": {
        "customerReference": "CustNo12345A",
        "fullNameOnCard": "Mr. Bruce Simms",
        "maskedPan": "531610******0462",
        "startDate": "2023-10-23",
        "expiryDate": "2028-10-31",
        "clearPan": null,
        "cvv": null,
        "activationDate": "2024-05-14 08:31:33Z"
    "cardHolder": {
        "title": "Mr",
        "firstName": "John",
        "middleName": "",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "dateOfBirth": "1963-11-22",
        "mobile": "",
        "email": ""
    "cardProduct": {
        "scheme": "Sandbox Scheme",
        "product": 1234,
      	"productShortName": "Sandbox",
        "ehiMode": 1
    "controlGroups": {
        "limitsGroup": 1,
        "usageGroup": 0,
        "recurringFeeGroup": 0,
        "webServiceFeeGroup": -1,
        "authFeeGroup": 0,
        "mccGroup": 0,
        "cardLinkageGroup": 0,
        "calendarGroup": -1,
        "fxGroup": 0,
        "paymentTokenUsageGroup": 0,
      	"cardAcceptorAllowList": 0,
        "cardAcceptorDisallowList": 0
    "3DS": [],
    "designId": "Sandbox",
  	"childCards": [],
    "siblingCards": [],
    "address": {
        "addressLine1": "32 Eastern Lane",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "addressLine3": "",
        "city": "",
        "state": "",
        "county": "",
        "postCode": "S11 7AA",
        "country": "826"
    "fulfilment": {
        "addressLine1": "32 Eastern Lane",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "addressLine3": "",
        "city": "",
        "state": "",
        "county": "",
        "postCode": "S11 7AA",
        "country": "826"
 	 "freetext1": "Comments for the card manufacturer here",
   "freetext2": "And in this field too.",
   "IsSingleUse" : "true",
   "IsNonReloadable" : "false",
   "cardAcceptorIds": {
        "allowCardAcceptors": [],
        "disallowCardAcceptors": []
   "Config3DSecure": {
    "language3ds" : "string",
    "Apata": {      
      "kbaNumberOfQuestionsToAnswer": 1,
      "kbaNumberOfIncorrectPermissible": 3
 	"programManagerID": 78,
  "programManagerCode": "PMT"


API Explorer

See the Retrieve a Card endpoint for more information.