Get Card Payment Token Details - Field Descriptions

The following page details each of the fields received in the response when using the Get Card Payment Token Details endpoint.

Response Fields

A successful response for the Get Card Payment Token Details endpoint will return a 200 response.

idThe unique payment token identifier.
walletIdName of the wallet provider this payment token uses (e.g., APPLE, ANDROID, SAMSUNG).
walletProviderThe name of the wallet provider. For example Apple or Google.
tokenPANPAN token for the card linked to the MDES or VTS card.
statusesObject that contains different statuses for the payment token.
tokenisedStatusTokenised status of this payment token: U = unknown; 0 = not tokenised; 1=tokenised.
authorisationStatusStatus of the authorisation to digitise this payment token:
U = unknown
0 = approve digitisation request
A = approve digitisation request (with additional authentication)
1 = decline digitisation request

Note: this is not the same as a transaction authorisation.
authorisationDecisionFinal tokenisation decision:
U = unknown
0 = approve digitisation request
A = approve digitisation request (with additional authentication).
transactionStatusStatus of the payment token as received from the payment token creator (normally Visa or Mastercard). After tokenisation, this is not changed by Thredd.
A = Active
D = Deleted (once in this status, it is normally never changed)
I = Inactive
N = Not Tokenised
P = Pending
S = Suspended
U = Unknown
X = Deactivated
gpsStatusInfoDevice status on the Thredd system. Options include:
A = Active
D = Deleted (once in this status, it is normally never changed)
I = Inactive
N = Not Tokenised
P = Pending
S = Suspended
U = Unknown
X = Deactivated
statusesEnd of the statuses object..
tokenisedDateDate and time when tokenised, in the format: yyyy-mm-ddhhmmss.
expiryDateExpiry date of the payment token.
tokenTypePayment token type.
deviceTypeThe type of device enabled for tokenised payments for this token.
deviceNameName of the cardholder assigned to the device in the wallet.
merchantNameThe name of the merchant that created the token.
creatorTokenReferenceThe token creator's unique reference for this payment token. (Mastercard Token Unique Reference (TUR) and Visa Token reference ID.)
cardUsageGroupThe card usage group the token is associated with.
paymentTokenUsageGroupThe payment token usage group the token is associated with.
walletAccountScoreRisk score for the account, received from the wallet provider during digitisation:

1 = highest risk; 2 = higher risk; 3 = neutral; 4 = lower risk; 5 = least risk
walletDeviceScoreRisk score for the device received from the wallet provider during digitisation:

1 = highest risk; 2 = higher risk; 3 = neutral; 4 = lower risk; 5 = least risk
walletReasonsWallet service provider tokenization recommendation reason codes. For details, see Wallet Tokenisation Reason Codes
transactionIDThe unique identifier for the transaction.
responseCodeThe action code for the response.
transactionDateThe date and time of the transaction.
cardAcceptorNameLocationThe location of the card acceptor, which can be a merchant or an ATM where the transaction occurred.
bnReferenceThe network reference.
mtidThe Message Type Identifier (MTID) for the transaction.
ehiRequestTimeThe date and time the EHI received the request.
ehiResponseTimeThe date and time the EHI responded to the request.
activationCodeActivation code to be sent directly to the cardholder to activate this payment token.
activationMethodWhich activation method was used:
0 = none;
1 = SMS to mobile phone;
2 = email;
3 = cardholder called an automated call centre;
4 = cardholder called a human call centre;
5 = website;
6 = mobile application;
7 = voice phone call
activationStatusThe payment token's activation status:

Status is 'R' when Reason code = 00
Status is 'T' when Reason code = 01
Status is 'F' when Reason code = 02