Get Notifications for Event Code - Field Descriptions

The following page details each of the fields received in the response when using the Get Event Subscriptions endpoint.

Response Fields

A successful response for the Get Event Subscriptions endpoint will return a 200 response.

webhookIdThe unique webhook id generated by Thredd.
eventCodeThe unique code for the event.
createdTimeThe date and time the notification was created.
lastSentTimeThe date and time the notification was last sent.
contentObject that contains an array of notification information.
notificationIdThe unique id of the notification.
notificationStatusThe status of the notification
payloadObject that contains an array of payload information.
cardholderNameThe name of the cardholder.
last4DigitsThe last four digits of the card.
transactionIdUnique identifier of the transaction.
tokenIdThe public token of the cardholder.
transactionAmountThe amount of the transaction.
currencyThe currency for the transaction.
merchantNameThe name of the merchant.
locationThe location of the merchant.
dateTimeThe date and time of the transaction.
mccMerchant Category Code.
posModePoint of Sale mode.
cardProductNameProduct name of the ard.
notificationMessageContentContent of the notification message.