Automatic Web Service Fees

Web service fees can be applied to specific endpoints when run, such as issuing a virtual card or unblocking a PIN, resulting in an automatic charge to the customer. Fees are set up in the Product Setup Form (PSF).



Automatic web service fees should be completed on the Web Services Fees tab of the customer PSF. For more details, see the Fees Guide.

There are some requirements for an automatic fee transaction:

  • A fee transaction should be created when the specific condition for that endpoint is met. If there is no condition specified for the endpoint then the fee will always be generated.

  • The FeeAmount is taken from the webservice fee group. If the required FeeType is not specified in the webservice fee group, the transaction will not be created.

  • If the card is in EHI mode Gateway Processing (Mode 1), Gateway Processing with STIP (Mode 4) or Gateway Processing with STIP (Mode 5), the card balance is not checked, and the transaction is created as in Generic Fees for these EHI modes.

  • If the EHI mode is Cooperative Processing (Mode 2) or Full Service Processing (Mode 3), if the card does not have enough balance, then pending fees and partial fees parameters should be checked from the card’s webservice fee group.

Available Endpoints

Only certain endpoints can have web service fees associated with them (and some of those fees can only be charged under specific conditions). The following table details each of the available endpoints, the conditions (where applicable) and the FeeType associated with the fee.

POST /cardsCardType is VirtualVirtualCardIssuingFee
POST /cardsCardType is PhysicalPhysicalCardIssuingFee
PUT /cards/{publicToken}/statusStatus is “Active” and Card is Parent CardParentCardActivationFee
PUT /cards/[publicToken}/statusStatus is “Active” and Card is Parent CardChildCardActivationFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/pinN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/pin/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/pin/unblockN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/cvvN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/cvv/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
GET /cards/{publicToken}/cvv/statusN/APINCVVServiceFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/renewN/ACardReplacementFee
POST /cards/{publicToken}/replaceRenewStep is empty or RenewState is Renew or RenewStep is RenewWithSameExpiryCardReplacementFee
POST /cards/{public Token}/cardTypeCardType is PhysicalCardConversionFee