Create Webhook - Field Descriptions

The following page details each of the fields that can be used in the request and received in the response when using the Register New Webhook endpoint.


The following table describes fields that can be included in the body of the request when registering a new webhook.

FieldDescriptionMin LengthMax LengthTypeMandatory
programManagerCodeThe 3-4 character code Thredd has assigned the programme to identify the program manager you are creating a webhook for.34StringYes
productIdThe product ID.0255NumericNo
eventsEvent codes. This can be either:

- 101 occurs when fraud rules are triggered by a transaction
- 102 occurs when fraud alerts are closed
- 103 occurs when the card status is updated
webhookStatusThe webhook status. By default, the status is active. If you want to set the status to inactive.08StringNo
configObject that contains the configuration information for the webhook. Must be included in the body.ObjectYes
urlURL of your webhook endpoint. This must be HTTPS.1255StringYes
customHeadersCustom headers to be passed along with the request. This is a lifecycle field that the you may want Thredd to always return as part of a webhook. You can have up to three name-value pairs.0500ObjectNo


The following table describes fields that included in the response after successfully registering a new webhook.

webhookIdThe unique identifier for the newly created webhook.
programManagerCodeThe program manager code from the request.
productIdThe product ID from the request.
eventsThe event codes for the webhook.
webhookStatusThe status of the webhook.
urlThe URL from the request.
customHeadersThe custom headers from the request.
createdTimeThe date and time the webhook was created in UTC format.